
    echo -e "\e[34m---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[00m"
    echo -e "\e[93m[+]\e[00m Installing RootKit Hunter"
    echo -e "\e[34m---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[00m"
    echo ""
    echo "Rootkit Hunter is a scanning tool to ensure you are you're clean of nasty tools. This tool scans for rootkits, backdoors and local exploits by running tests like:

          - MD5 hash compare
          - Look for default files used by rootkits
          - Wrong file permissions for binaries
          - Look for suspected strings in LKM and KLD modules
          - Look for hidden files
          - Optional scan within plaintext and binary files "
    sleep 1
    cd rkhunter-1.4.2/
    sh --layout /usr --install
    cd ..
    rkhunter --update
    rkhunter --propupd
    echo " ***To Run RootKit Hunter ***"
    echo "     rkhunter -c --enable all --disable none"
    echo "     Puede ver el reporte detallado en /var/log/rkhunter.log"

RootKit Hunter es una herramienta que escanea el servidor en busca de rootkits, backdoors o exploits locales. La Función install_rootkit_hunter instala esta herramienta, la actualiza y hace el escaneo inicial.

Si desean correr la herramienta solo deben ejecutar:

$ rkhunter -c --enable all --disable none